Jan 9, 2007

Brasserie Des Rocs Brune

I randomly picked this one up from a store close to the office a couple of weeks back. The label looked familiar to me, but I had never had it before and knew next to nothing about it. Curiosity got the better of me, as it usually does when it comes to beer. In the end I’m glad I picked it up, but I’m not sure I enjoyed it to it’s fullest or at the right time.

Beer Label: Brasserie Des Rocs Brune


The Brune smells wonderful. It’s slightly pungent and yeasty. There is a bit of a sweet caramel hint to it as well as some citrus.


Poured in a Chimay chalice, the beer reminds me of a dirty, cloudy stream after a heavy rain fall. It’s a light brown with lots of sediment dancing around within it. The head was thin and tan in color.


I’m pretty sure I let the heavy sediment affect my enjoyment of this one. It reminded me of drinking orange juice with heavy pulp. The taste of the beer was light with citrus fruits and a spicy finish. I just couldn’t ignore the yeast density in each mouthful.


I wanted to like this one more than I actually did. I think that if I let the bottle sit in the basement for a prolonged period, the yeast sediment would have settled more thoroughly. I don’t remember agitating the bottle in anyway prior to pouring, but that sediment was just a bit too much for me. I did enjoy the taste and smell of the beer, so I tried my best not to let the yeast affect my rating. I will probably purchase another bottle of this as the price was not too bad and let it sit for a while prior to opening. Rating: 3/5
