Brooklyn Local 1
I didn’t know too much about this beer when I bought it the first time a few months ago. I have since enjoyed a few bottles of it and felt it was about time I get off my ass and post a review for the Brooklyn Local 1.
I’m a big fan of just about everything that Brooklyn Brewery puts out so I naturally had to try their first foray in to Belgian style beers. This bottle conditioned beer, inspired after the Belgian Golden Ale, utilizes hops and malt from Germany along with a Belgian yeast to create a tasty brew indeed.
The Local 1 pours a hazy gold in color with bright, active carbonation. The head was off-white in color and faded quickly to a thin lace.
This one smells wonderful. I got plenty of citrus (orange, lemon zest) as well as some apricot. The light hopiness and subtle spice presence really make the mouth water with every whiff.
Forgoing the typical Belgian candy characteristics, the Local 1 is light and active in the mouth. The citrus notes from the nose make their presence known more in the finish as the hops move to the front of the palate. No hint of the 9% ABV.
As much as I like the Black Chocolate Stout, this one very well may make a run at the top of my favorites list from Brooklyn Brewery. It’s incredibly drinkable for the higher alcohol content and balances all of its complexity well.
Rating: 4/5