Dec 31, 2009

De Proef Witte Noire

De Proef Witte Noire

De Proef’s Witte Noire is not only another sample received from SBS Imports, it’s also cocreated by the SBS’ own Alan Shapiro. Described as “…perhaps a Belgian interpretation of the classic wheat doppelbock beers of Germany,” it is the most intriguing of the bottles I received Chirstmas day.

De Proef is one of those companies that just continually puts out stellar beers, whether from their collaborative Signature Ale series or some of their tasty ‘iques (Diabolique, Angelique, Mystique). I thoroughly enjoyed the latest in their Signature Ale series with Bell’s Brewing, and Witte Noire, while completely different, was equally well crafted and tasty. My wife would put this one above the Van Twee, but I would call it a draw with the collaborative effort perhaps ahead by a nose.


Witte Noire pours a dark, murky brown with a slowly fading light tan head. It’s much darker than I expected, even for a “noire.”


Wow. Dark fruits (plum), apple, light grass and a slight sweetness combine for a wonderful nose. There’s also a light spice in there, as well.


You definitely get a porter-like dark fruits on the front end of the beer. There’s a refreshing apple in there that goes nicely with the light Belgian candy sweetness. Decent carbonation and spice leave the tongue a-tingle as the grassy, wheat notes make more of an appearance in the finish.


This medium bodied brew is super tasty and gets even more rich and flavorful as it warms in the glass. I’m pretty sure we both went through our share of the bottle quicker than we should have — it was just too damned tasty.

Rating: 3.5/5

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