Jun 16, 2009

Founders Centennial IPA

Wow. It’s been far too long since my last proper review/article on the site. Hopefully, we’ll be getting back to regular posting behavior now that some major projects have been delivered at the office.

At any rate… Founders Centennial IPA is a beer that the wife and I have been drinking fairly regularly since spying it on the shelves a couple of months ago. To say it’s tasty would be an understatement. The fact that it’s been in regular rotation is a testament to it’s well rounded flavor.

Beer Label: Founders Centennial IPA


The Centennial pours a light copper in color with a beefy, off-white head that left decent lacing.


This one is quite floral with a wonderful citrus presence. A subtle pininess is also in there along with a mouth watering sweetness.


A great mixture of hope characteristics is the first thing you get from each swallow (piny, citrus, slight bitterness). The brew is well balanced with decent malt notes that wrap up the finish with a not too bitter, lingering flavor. The IPA has the perfect carbonation and body to make this one an easy drinker.


Reviewing my notes on this one, all I wrote was, “Must get more.” I think I’ll leave it at that.

Rating: 4/5

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