Unibroue Seigneuriale
I think my first experience with Unibroue was a 12 ounce bottle of Maudite back in college (10 plus years ago), and I have yet to run into one of the company’s products that I haven’t liked. With my discovery of Seigneuriale a couple of weeks ago that long streak nearly came to a shocking end.
While it’s not the brewery’s most impressive beer, this Belgian Strong Pale Ale is one of those products that luckily grows on you. It’s a pretty standard take on the style, but unlike many of Unibroue’s products it’s just not that distinctive.
Seigneuriale pours a golden amber with a large fluffy head that faded rather quickly.
Initially, you’re hit with estery apple and other unidentifiable fruit notes along with a decent sweetness. There’s a slight caramel malt presence, as well as a small amount of alcohol.
The first few sips left me rather unimpressed. The beer started out pretty tasty, but was just sort of there. It’s as the beer warms that its true self comes out. The fruits are more prevalent along with a warming, sweet alcohol presence. The finish on this one is quite dry with an overall light mouthfeel.
This was an interesting beer, but not nearly of the caliber that I’ve become accustomed to when enjoying a Unibroue product. I can think of a few other Belgian Strong Pales that I would select over this one. In the end, however, I did enjoy Seigneuriale and perhaps with the right setting this one may be that much better.
Rating: 3.5/5