Jan 9, 2009

Weyerbacher XIII

Weyerbacher is one of those breweries whose products I love, but for some reason just don’t buy them often enough. I’m not sure if it’s an availability thing or a subconscious bias on my part. Either way, I’m a big fan of their brews — hell, I’ve reviewed four of their beers in the past year.

Aside from being a sucker for stouts, which this one claims to be, but I’m also a sucker for anniversary edition releases. So it was pretty much a foregone conclusion that once I saw this one on the shelf it was mine. Touted as a “Belgian-inspired Imperial Stout,” the XIII sounds like it would compare to Bell’s Hell Hath No Fury — a beer that confused my senses. Hopefully, the Weyerbacher doesn’t do that same.

Beer Label: Weyerbacher XIII


The XIII pours a near-black, dark, dark brown with zero head. The higher ABV (13.6%) was probably the culprit.


Lots of roasted malt with Belgian candy. There’s also a slight hop presence and a whopping alcohol hit. This one doesn’t smell quite as confounding as the Bell’s take on this style, but it’s definitely a complex nose.


Immediately I was hit with a big chocolate and roasted malt presence that was quickly followed by the Belgian candy. It was surprisingly smooth despite the massive amount of alcohol that comes in with the hoppier finish. I also found a bit of the typical Belgian yeastiness present in the background along with a pleasant, yet mild bitterness from the hops in the finish.


When compared to the Bell’s version of this beer, it’s just as complex, but not nearly as confusing. I think that it was a bit raw as a “fresh” beer and can’t wait to see what the other bottle I purchased does with some time in the basement.

Rating: 3/5

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