Aug 2, 2010

Allagash Confluence Ale 2010

Huh. That’s weird. I’ve had a bunch of Allagash beer since this blog’s inception, but only once have I written about them. That’s just not good — not good in the least.

I’ll need to go through some old notes and update the site with those reviews, but first let’s get to know their Confluence Ale. This 2010 vintage bottle of the brewery’s wild ale has only been sitting in the basement for a couple of months, but my impatience got the better of me and I just had to open and try it out fresh.

Brewed with a blend of the brewery’s proprietary Belgian and Brettanomyces yeast strains the beer isn’t quite as wild as some of the products in the market, but what it lacks in sour funkiness, it more than makes up for with a refined balance of flavors.


Confluence pours a bright yellow in color with a quickly disappearing white collar of foam. It does look pretty sitting in this Duvel tulip.


This beer smells wonderful with a nice balance of aromas. There’s a touch of lemon, grass/hay, pear and herbal notes to go along with a classic, yet subtle tart funkiness of the wild yeast (on a side note is it really wild if it’s a proprietary strain?). A light, toasted malt presence helps balance everything out.


First thing I noticed was just how smooth this beer is. Most wild ales I’ve had recently have been a bit more aggressive on the palate, but Confluence is quite smooth with a subtle sweetness and fruitiness. It’s not nearly as tart or as funky as the nose lead me to believe. There’s a bit of a biting tartness that grabs the tongue in the lingering dry finish, but it’s not overly abrasive. The 7.4% ABV leaves a light, glowing warmth late in the finish, as well.


This has got to be one of the more well balanced and drinkable wild ales I’ve had. It’s got a classic Belgian character with just the slightest bit of farm funkiness thrown into the mix. It’s smooth with plenty of light flavors and just the right levels of tartness to keep it accessible.

Rating: 4/5

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