Kasteel Cuvée Du Chateau

When I first spied this bottle of Kasteel Cuvée Du Chateau from Brouwerij Van Honsebrouck I assumed that it was just a rebrand of one of my favorite Belgian brews. It wasn’t until I poured this 11% ABV Belgian Strong Dark Ale into a tulip glass that I quickly became aware that it was not, in fact, the beer I thought it was.
Surprise and delight are not nearly strong enough words to describe my absolute glee in having the opportunity to drink this brew.
A dark mahogany in color with a light tan cap, this brew looks gorgeous sitting in the glass. The head faded to a decent lacing.
Dark fruits, Belgian yeast, a little spice and a good bit of booze give this one a wonderful nose.
This brew is a big one with plenty of boozy warmth. Dark fruits, candy sugar and yeasty esters fill the palate with the glowing warmth of the higher ABV. A lingering sweetness and subtle hop presence reside in the finish. This brew is definitely something you want to take your time with.
I enjoyed the hell out of this beer. It’s got everything you want in a Belgian Strong Dark dark fruits (fig, raisin), a touch of booze and an appropriate amount of sweetness to keep you warm at night. I need to find another bottle of this one to set down for some time.
Rating: 4/5