Jul 16, 2010

Meantime India Pale Ale

It’s still pretty early in the Summer and I’ve already had a handful of excellent IPAs. In the running for most impressive this season so far is Meantime’s India Pale Ale. Brewed with two pounds of Fuggles and Goldings hops per barrel, this is your prototypical English IPA. It’s well balanced with plenty of biscuity malt and floral, citrus hops — making for a well rounded, tasty beer.

It’s a beer that’s not necessarily out to compete with the hoppier behemoths of the U.S. west coast, but what it does bring to the table is something more traditional, yet well crafted. My only disappointment with this one, is that I didn’t buy more of it.


The bottle opened with a loud pop from the cork as the straw yellow liquid inside was poured into a Duvel chalice. The massive white head had great retention, fading ever so slowly.


This IPA is light and fruity on the nose. There’s a good deal of lightly toasted malt to start things off with a slight sweetness. That is then followed up with floral, citrus hops with next to no bitterness on the nose. There is a light amount of hop spice in the mix. It’s definitely a more subdued aroma when compared to many of the IPAs in the U.S., but it’s fitting for the style.


Light biscuity malts come in up front as a late forming citrus hop character builds. The beer is light and refreshing with a great, balanced flavor. The malt is more pronounced than the nose alludes to, but not in a dominating fashion. Meantime know how to craft a refreshing, clean IPA, that’s for sure. There’s a nice bit of hop bitterness in the lingering finish.


It was nice for a change to get away from the hop punches I’m used to in American IPAs. This more traditional English IPA was light on the palate, crisp and clean — making for a drinkable and refreshing beer. I only wish I had bought more since I haven’t seen it in the stores since I originally purchased this bottle.

Rating: 4/5

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