Terrapin The Dark Side
I’m not exactly sure when or where I purchased this bottle of Terrapin Beer Company’s The Dark Side. It’s been in my basement for a month or so, but I think it was purchased at Total Wine. At any rate, this Belgian Imperial Stout the ninth product in the brewery’s “Side Project” series of releases making it and any of the other beers in the series, for that matter, very limited in quantity.
The past year or so has seen a jump in the number of Belgian inspired stouts coming to market and I’ve just about loved them all. The Dark Side stacked up nicely amongst the ever growing crowd, but won’t take the crown as my favorite.
Dark Side pours an opaque black with a light mocha colored head that faded to thin, patchy film.
It certainly smells the part with big coffee, roasted malt and that distinctive Belgian quality from the yeast. There’s a decent helping of dark chocolate in the mix, as well as a light hint of the 8.5% ABV.
The flavors of this beer are right in line with its aroma, but with a bit more of a roasted profile. It’s got a pretty smooth mouthfeel with a medium body. The yeast used in the beer give it a nice dynamic flavor, adding to the overall drinking experience. The finish has a slightly warming and bitter coffee that lingers lightly on the tongue.
Overall, this was a good beer to be able to say I’ve had. It’s not the best stout from the company. I think company’s Coffee Oatmeal Imperial Stout blew this one out of the water and is by far the product I would buy again if given a choice between the two stouts.
Rating: 3.5/5