Jun 23, 2011

Dundee Summer Wheat

This is a review of a promotional sample received from the brewery.

Previously only available in bottles, Dundee’s Summer Wheat is now on shelves in cans for your Summer consumption habits. I’ve reviewed this beer before and, while not much has changed between the two packaging methods, there are subtle differences.

Dundee Summer Wheat photo
A simple, refreshing beer on a very hot day.


I think the pour out of the can lent the beer to a more full head this time around. The color is still a pale yellow with a bit of a haziness.


Summer Wheat still smells like a Hefeweisen, but with more subdued herbal notes than its bottled counterpart. Hints of lemon zest, light citrusy hops and wheat comprise the majority of the aroma while a touch of background spice comes and goes.


Again, the canned version of Summer Wheat doesn’t have much of a banana or herbal note, but seems to focus more on a lemony and citrusy character. There’s a touch of a tartness in the relatively dry finish that also has hints of a grassy hops. At 4.2% ABV there is not a stitch of alcohol on the palate that, when combined with the crisp mouthfeel, makes for an easy drinking, and somewhat “sessionable” beer.


Though the taste may be a bit different than I remember, the concept is the same — an easy to drink, accessible brew (or three) that has a fairly simple formula and is meant to be enjoyed outside under the hot sun. The pronounced lemony aspect to the beer gives it a Summer-time vibe that is both tasty and refreshing. In the end, I prefer this canned version of the beer over the bottles I drank last year — hell it’s even good enough right out of the can.

Rating: 3/5

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