Flying Dog Kujo Imperial Coffee Stout
Cujo, the 1983 movie based on a Stephen King novel, scared the living crap out of me as a wee little eight year old. I had nightmares of that ginormous St. Bernard chasing me down and hell-bent on chewing up my innards. Thankfully, Flying Dog’s Imperial Coffee Stout, Kujo, isn’t quite so malevolent or evil. It’s got plenty of bark, but it’s bite isn’t nearly as devastating.
I originally had the chance to review this beer in February when it was available as a limited release. Back then, the beer didn’t have a cool name or the awesomely wicked label artwork it has now, but it sure as hell tasted good. How does the “official” offering stack up against that initial tasting?
Let’s just say that I was the one foaming at the mouth after opening up the bottle.
Kujo pours an opaque, near black with a dark brown head that lasted forever.
The beer is full of dark chocolate, espresso, freshly ground dark roast coffee, earth and a hint of anise.
Just like in February, I’m thrilled with how smooth this beer drinks. It’s a full flavored beer with a solid richness that finishes well not overly drying like many imperial stouts. There is a ton of dark roast coffee and dark chocolate that are carried over the palate with a full, chewy mouthfeel before letting a bit of hop bitterness arrive late in the finish. The 8.9% ABV is hidden well within the layered depths of this beer, but does come out more as the beer warms.
Flying Dog makes some excellent beer. I’m a huge fan of their dark stuff (Gonzo Imperial Porter is a fan favorite in my house) and if this one is readily available for me to pick up any old day I want, I don’t see it ever not having a consistent spot in my beer fridge. It’s well balanced and easy to drink. Excellent brew!
Rating: 4/5
This is a review of a promotional sample received from the brewery.