Weyerbacher Autumnfest
T’is the time of year for the consumption of malt forward brews, specifically Oktoberfest/Marzen inspired brews. Whether it’s indulging in some Hacker-Pshorr, Hofbräu or one of many varieties released in the States, the cooler weather dictates that the time for increased malt intake is upon us. And Weyerbacher has a beer that they’ve been producing for a couple of years now, but is only now just showing up on my radar.
Autumnfest is a 5.4% ABV Marzen that not only provides the malty character that my taste buds demand, but also a refreshing quality that is also needed after a couple of hours ridding the yard of fallen leaves. The first raking event of the season occurred a couple of days ago and this beer more than hit the spot once the rake was leaning happily against the shed and I was seated on the back deck, booted feet resting comfortably on the railing.
The beer pours a slightly hazy (probably due to chill haze) amber in color with an off-white cap that fell slowly to patchy surface cover.
Caramel, bready malts, light fruit, a touch of lemon, a hint of spices and a subtle sweetness make for an inviting brew.
A subtle sweetness accompanies grain, bready malts and caramel as a soft piney, hop presence arrives with the lightest tingle of bitterness. Well balanced and easy drinking, Autumnfest refreshes the palate nicely with a clean finish.
It may not be sessionable by definition, but this beer goes down easy, as did two more of it’s brethren after a quick tour around the yard raking up fallen leaves. Autumnfest is malty enough to echoe the temperatures of the Fall season, but also light enough on the palate to remain refreshing and remind you of the warm weather that’s just now starting to fade from the days. I will definitely be buying this again.
Rating: 3.5/5