Dominion Octoberfest
I have pretty fond memories of attending a few of Dominion Brewings outdoor festivals in the Northern Virginia area prior to their purchase by Fordham Brewing in 2007 and subsequent move. I don’t believe it was a conscience decision to avoid their products after the sale, but I do know that consumption of their beer on my part started to trail off about the time I found a bottle of their Dominion Oktoberfest to review back in late July of 2008 and I can only assume that I’ve had this beer once or twice since then, but cannot confirm.
This sample of the 5.8% ABV Marzen is courtesy of Forham Brewing and offers me, not only an opportunity to check out the beer again, but to also compare it to how I perceived it five years ago. Events like this are a great exercise for me. It’s interesting to see how recipes and/or my tastes change through the years. So, with that said, let’s see how Dominion Octoberfest stands up to the 3.5 rating I gave it in 2008.
An off-white stack of foam rests atop the copper colored brew.
Grain, bread, light fruits and a subtle grassy hop character make for a subdued yet inviting nose. Looking at my notes from 2008, I’m not sure where I got the “spice mixture.” Perhaps the recipe has changed some through the years, or perhaps I was off my rocker at that point.
Dry grains, bready malt, caramel and distant grassy hops combine for a well-balanced, smooth drinking brew. The medium bodied brew travels lightly over the tongue to a fairly drying finish. The beer is pretty straightforward in terms of flavor and easy drinking despite it’s near 6% ABV alcohol content.
It looks as though (the spice notes aside) that my experience with the beer now is pretty much in line with the one I had five years ago. Dominion Octoberfest is an approachable, easy drinking beer that refreshes nicely, though may be a bit drying on the back-end for some. It’s got a solid malt character with just enough of a hop presence to even things out. I can see a couple of these disappearing on a cool weather weekend after running around outside for a good bit.
Rating: 3.5/5
This is a review of a promotional sample from the brewery.