Rogue Honey Kolsch
I’m not sure when I purchased this bottle of Rogue’s Honey Kolsch, but I know that it wasn’t too long before I enjoyed it while sitting on the back deck on a hot July afternoon. The beer is a 5% ABV kolsch-style brew that’s made with the brewery’s own honey — honey that came from 119 bee colonies across from 40 acres of Rogue hops. That’s pretty damn cool.
The mix of hopyard and wildflower honey mingles wonderfully with traditional kolsch flavors of cereal, grain and yeast. A soft hop bitterness (35 IBU) keeps things interesting as the crisp, medium-bodied beer washes over the palate. The honey isn’t overly strong on the tongue, but adds a subtle sweetness and earthy flavor that gives the beer a unique touch.
With the weather as hot as it was the day I cracked this open and with as refreshing as this beer was, it didn’t last long. It satisfies and reinvigorates nicely all the while providing a well-rounded drinking experience. I’ll definitely be picking up more of this in the future.