Nov 8, 2007

I’m Feeling Old…

Yesterday, I had searched this very site for my notes on one of the beers below thinking that I had already posted a review some time ago. Apparently, however, I had not. I’m not sure if that’s a sign of my brain being tired or something more sinister, like aging.

At any rate, I remember purchasing these two brews a couple of months ago and, thankfully, my notes of those tastings are fairly detailed and coherent. So, don’t mind me as I play a little catch up with my note book. I loved both of these beers and felt that those of you that are fans of Old Ales may want to look out for them the next time you’re in you favorite beer shop.

Beer Label: Third Coast Old Ale

Third Coast Old Ale

I remember seeing this on on the shelf at my local shop and, having been on Bell’s Beer kick at the time, got a little giddy as I greedily put it into the mixed six pack I was assembling. I’m a fan of old ales and was more than exciting to taste this one.


The Third Coast Old Ale pours a deep, rich caramel in color with a small head that faded quickly. Swirling the glass caused the beer to form a little head and leave a sticky lacing on the side of the vessel.


There’s plenty of alcohol in the nose on this one with a pleasant caramel sweetness. There’s a small bit of malt and spice to it, as well.


I was actually surprised with the slight hop bitterness that this Old Ale had. Initially however, you’re hit with a bit of alcohol up front, that finishes with the slight bitterness and caramel sweetness. The beer only proves to get more complex as it warms. There’s very little carbonation to the brew, as it goes down smooth and silky.


I really enjoyed the Third Coast Old Ale. It’s a unique brew that I will be on the look out again next year.

Rating: 3.5/5

Beer Label: North Coast Old Stock Ale

North Coast Old Stock Ale

Now, any one who has been following this blog for any amount of time knows that North Coast’s Old Rasputin is easily one of my favorite brews. So, you can imagine how geeked out I got seeing their Old Ale sitting on a shelf below the Bell’s version.


The Old Stock Ale pours a muddy, reddish brown with a slight cloudiness to it. There was no head to speak of.


This one is much more maltier in the nose than the Bell’s variety. There is a similar caramel/molasses sweetness, but it was a little more subtle. Oh, and at 13.25% ABV, let’s not forget the nasal decongestant power of the alcohol hit.


Whoa. Besides the alcohol that hits like a ton of bricks, you’re also bombarded with a bit more flavors. Roasted malt and sweetness are present as is a subtle raisin presence. It’s a welcome characteristic that I only picked up in the nose after really looking for it. There’s a nice bit of spiciness in the smooth finish that would make this a wonderful winter warmer.


Thinking back on this tasting, I should have picked up a few extra bottles for the colder months, as this would make for a fine winter warmer. If you can get past the alcohol pummeling you take with this one there is a great deal of flavor to be found and enjoyed.

Rating: 4/5

I enjoyed both of these beers immensely for their own unique qualities, but I think I prefer the North Coast version of the style. It just had that little extra something in the flavor profile to push it ahead of the Bell’s brew. I will definitely be picking up more of these again in the future.
