Session #2 Announced
Oh, man! The announcement for The Session #2 has been made, revealing the style and reminding us of the date. So on Friday, April 6 2007, be prepared to enjoy your favorite dubbel.
I’m a huge Belgian beer fan, an appreciation for which I can safely blame on my father-in-law. He knows more about the region’s beers (and has brewed some fine examples himself) than I will in two lifetimes. Next to talking about his grand daughter, Belgians are usually in the forefront of our conversations. Because of him I have grown to love this style of beer, and therefore cannot wait for the next Session.
Dubbels I Have Known
- Chimay Première (Red)
- Westmalle Trappist Dubbel
- Corsendonk Pater
- Trappist Westvleteren 8
- Allagash Dubbel Reserve
Finding Belgian beers in this area can be frustratingly difficult at times. I can pretty much find any of the dubbels I’ve already had within a mile or two of the office or on the commute home. I currently have a Corsendonk Pater in the basement, but will I be able to hold out till April? I can pick up a Chimay just about anywhere, but just had one not too long ago.
It looks like I may have to make a special trip to a couple of not-so-local shops in search of something new.