Washington Post Beer Mania Tournament
This Sunday, the Washington Post introduced the first in a series of articles on a little beer tasty competition they are having. It’s modeled after the NCAA Men’s Basketball Tournament bracket, and includes a variety of craft beers as well as a couple of the industry giants Ellie’s Brown Ale to Miller High Life.
So far, after the first round of tastings, there have been a few surprises most notably, Budweiser over Victory’s Lager. Overall, the selection of beers to “play” in the tournament are of the lighter variety, including a few wheat beers and one sorgum based brew, which faired poorly against the Allagsh White.
You can keep track of the tournament progress online, but may need to set up a free account to actually access it. Don’t forget to read a few of the reader comments linked to from the main page. Some of them are quite entertaining.