Bear Republic Hop Rod Rye
Man, it’s been hotter than two rats fornicating in a wool sock. At least, that’s what a buddy of mine would say on days like this past weekend when the temperatures were in the high 90’s and humid as all get out. He has a way with words.
Now, even on days like that I can enjoy a strong stout, but this past weekend was just too much and the only thing that I really wanted was a cold, lighter beer. The Hop Rod Rye was the perfect brew.
I’ve had a few of the Bear Republic beers in the past (usually the Racer IPA) so I knew I was going to enjoy this one. What I didn’t expect was how much.

The Hop Rod pours a medium brown with a slight red tinge to it. The head was large and light and took forever to fade, leaving lacing all over the place.
This thing smells wonderful. It’s got a flowering hop aroma up front, but a well balanced oat, pine, straw background. The rye doesn’t come across harsh and sits behind the hops comfortably.
I can see why this thing is called Hop Rod. It’s takes off from the line quickly with hops flying every where. The citrusy hops combine with the rye and pine flavors wonderfully. There’s a crisp yet earthy feel to each swallow that demands you refill the glass repeatedly.
This very well could have been the perfect beer. It was refreshing, complex (yet well balanced) and exactly what a scorching day required. I will definitely be picking up more of this in the future.
Rating: 4.5/5