It’s Alive!… Alive!
So, those of you who are regular visitors to the site may notice a little something different with how it looks. While the new look isn’t quite a full redesign, consider it a refreshing of sorts slight changes here and there to make for a better reading experience.
Overall, the goal of this second iteration of the site was to help you all find things easier. Based on analytics and trending I’ve made necessary changes to promote Barley Blog projects as well as make the site easier to navigate as a whole.
So, that said, I’m unleashing version 2 of the site out into the wild. Feel free to send me any feedback or suggestions in the comments. If you see something that maybe, just isn’t right, please, for the love of all things holy, let me know.
Update Oh yeah, and I almost forgot to mention a new little feature in the “Projects” section. MyBeerLog is a free download for those that need a little something more for their own beer journal. The template is a one page print out that I’ve been using for a few months now after filling up a small, less than adequate notebook. Again, any feedback with regard to that PDF is also appreciated.