Mar 21, 2008

Lagunitas Imperial Stout

You knew this was coming didn’t you? I mean, seriously, how could I consciously follow up a review of one of the hoppiest beers I’ve ever enjoyed with anything other than a big stout? Well, that’s just what we have here.

I picked this one up a couple of weeks ago when a few coworkers and I made a trip out to an area Whole Foods for lunch. It was the first time I had been in one of their stores and man, I was genuinely surprised by the vast beer selection they had. I’m pretty sure that I was fairly distracted the whole time we ate, constantly looking over my shoulder at the racks of beer behind us. At any rate, I ended up purchasing this stout, a Gouden Carolus Ambrio, a Stone Old Guardian Barley Wine and a couple of Unibroue tulip glasses that were just too cheap to pass up.

Beer Label: Lagunitas Imperial Stout


The Lagunitas pours a rich ebony that when held up to the light reveals a beautiful, thin ruby edge. The head was moderate in size with a light toffee coloring.


Wow, the nose on this one is super smooth. There’s a subtle and even coffee/espresso presence as well as a little mocha chocolate playing in the background. Roasted malt provide a slight smokiness to it as well.


Smooth. Almost too smooth. This one isn’t as complex as a few of the Imperial Stouts that I’ve enjoyed through the years, but it is tasty. Espresso and roasted malt elements dominate the light body and light carbonation, creating a clean and mellow drinking experience. There’s a slight alcohol presence at cellar temperature.


This is definitely one of the lightest imperial stouts I’ve had in recent memory. It’s quite smooth and has plenty of subtle flavors, but when I want a beer of this type I’m expecting a bit more to think about in terms of taste. That’s not to say I wouldn’t pick up another bottle in the future.

Rating: 3/5
