Sierra Nevada Southern Hemisphere Harvest Ale
I haven’t been able to get a hold of Sierra Nevada’s Harvest Ale in my area, so when I saw this 1st release of their Southern Hemisphere version of the brew I jumped on the remaining bottles my local candy shop had. Apparently the hops in this latest beer are harvested in New Zealand and incorporated into a batch of this brew within a week of being picked. That’s a hell of a time table to keep. I have trouble getting out the door to work most days, let alone on a consistent basis.

This Harvest sibling pours a clean amber with a fluffy, white head that left good lacing as it faded.
Obviously, this one smells hoppy, but it’s got a fresh piney aroma as well. There’s a slight sweetness in the nose, but it’s very subtle.
Much like every other hoppy beer that Sierra Nevada makes (specifically their Celebration brew), this one tastes wonderful. It’s not a super hopped up brew, but is quite refined and balanced with a subtle and lingering bitterness that’s more than welcome to hang around a bit.
Once again, this California brewer exceeds expectations with their latest addition to the Harvest series. I’ve purchased several bottles of this one in the past couple of weeks and have only one left and it’s killing me at this very moment not to open it up and enjoy.
Rating: 4/5