Stone 08.08.08 Vertical Epic
I got into the Stone Vertical Epic series a bit late, starting with last year’s 07.07.07, but that doesn’t mean I’m not going to get into it now and do my best to keep vigilant toward that final tasting in 2012.
I really enjoyed the 2007 release and was more than stoked to finally see a few bottles on the shelves at my local shop. Of course, I don’t have to tell you that I bought the remaining five bottles you already knew that, didn’t you? So let’s get to it.
Visually, this year’s beer looks very similar to the ’07. It’s bright, clean and looks inviting. The color is a bit darker and the head didn’t form for me (I’m suspecting a less-than-clean glass on my part), but the brew looked good.
Not only does it look good, but it smells wonderful, as well. Subtle malts and Belgian banana waft to the nose with the first deep sniff. There’s some decent amount of spice (clove, perhaps) and a nice hop presence.
Oh man. I’m not sure which year I like better. I absolutely loved last year’s beer, but this one is just so crisp and smooth. It’s definitely a Belgian, but the hop presence within it is deep and wholeheartedly a Stone signature. It’s got a nice, subtle sweetness that compliments the slight bitter hop finish wonderfully.
I’m surprised I have a few bottles of 07.07.07 left in the basement and I’ll be even more astonished if the remaining bottles of this year’s release makes it bast the one year mark. I might have to make another run to the store to pick up more of this brew. Well done, Stone.
Rating: 3.5/5