Jan 21, 2009

Old Dominion Baltic Porter

I’m always stoked when I come across a new-to-me product from a brewery whose products I’ve been enjoying for years. Old Dominion’s Ale, Lager and Oak Barrel Stout have routinely made an appearance in my beer fridge for quite some time now. I’m not entirely sure when they started releasing the Baltic Porter winter seasonal, but last week was the first time I’d seen it — of course now I’m seeing it in just about every grocery store I walk into.

The Dominion version of this brew is a bit more robust in flavor than most of the other Baltic Porters I’ve had in the past. It’s got a more prominent smoke character that really makes it stand out amongst the competition.

Beer Label: Brooklyn Winter Ale


The Baltic Porter pours a dark, dark brown with a thin garnet edge. The small head faded slowly and showed tremendous retention as it ended in a glass clinging lace.


Right away, even before pouring it into the glass, the porter gives off strong roasted malt notes. Behind the dominate aroma are subtle chocolates and caramels.


Just like the nose, the taste is dominated by the roasted malt. I was a bit surprised by it’s up front character, but the flavors quickly grew on me and played well with the chocolates and caramels. The finish has some slight hoppiness, but not enough to make a dent in the roasted malt.


My wife commented that it was a good beer, but not one that she could sit down and have several of. I’m leaning toward her assessment of the brew, as well. It’s a rich, robust brew with strong flavors, but it can be a bit overwhelming at times. It’s definitely a beer I have to be in the mood for, especially on those cold January evenings, which today is turning out to be, so I guess I’ll be enjoying one tonight.

Rating: 3.5/5

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