Feb 12, 2009

Oskar Blues Ten Fidy

Beer Label: Oskar Blues Ten Fidy

As a result of cracking open this can of Oskar Blues Ten Fidy, the brewery is now 2 for 2 in my book on really impressive canned beer. I’ve had a couple of other craft brews served in cans and they have all come out tasting like aluminum and disappointing. Oskar Blues seem to have the whole thing down to a science.

My local shop has been carrying the brewery’s Old Chub for some time now, but this was the first time I’d seen any Ten Fidy on the shelves — of course, I took what was left. As the shop owner is ringing up the purchase he points to the cans, smiles and simply says “motor oil.”


The store owner certainly was correct in his brief summation of the beer. The Ten Fidy pours thick and slowly from the can like oil from an old engine block. The head forms well after the pour is complete as bubbles fight their way to the surface. The head was a rich, milk chocolate in color.


Everything you could ever want in a stout: chocolates, coffee, roasted malt and a little sweetness. This thing smells wonderful.


This beer is chewy and smooth. It’s consistency is similar to that of Bell’s Expedition Stout, but without the wallop you get from that beers alcohol. In fact, for a 10% ABV beer, Ten Fidy hides it’s alcohol well, as it shows up slightly in the finish. Overall, this one is dominated by roasted malt, coffee and chocolates.


Not only was this my first stout from a can (other than Guiness), it was the first imperial stout. The fact that it was canned made no difference in my final assessment of Ten Fidy. Needless to say, I hope there are more cans on the shelf this weekend.

Rating: 4/5

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