Jun 9, 2010

Maker’s Mark Announces Maker’s 46

New Makers Mark 46

It seems like it’s been forever since I posted any bourbon related news on the site, so it’s only appropriate to go with word of the first new product from Maker’s Mark in 52 years — almost as long as my last bourbon related article.

Maker’s 46 is pretty close to the original, but goes through an altered process late in the aging. The new treatment involves draining barrels for the addition of seared French oak planks, refilling them and aging for an two or three more months. The additional late stage chipping and aging is reported to bring out “…stronger hints of caramel, spice and vanilla…”

As for the name, it’s derived from the company’s barrel maker and one of it’s executives who came up with the chipping idea, as well as the profile number attached to the process. Works for me.

Maker’s 46 weighs in at 94 proof and will sell for about $10 more ($33 to $35 per 750ml bottle) than your traditional Maker’s Mark variety.
