Samuel Smith’s Yorkshire Stingo
It’s been well over a year since I first caught wind of Samuel Smith’s Yorkshire Stingo. It was only until last weekend that I finally saw it anywhere within a 30 mile radius of home. I’m pretty sure I had forgotten about it for the most part, but having finally had a bottle, I wish I had tried harder to find the brew.
This oak barrel aged ale pours an amber in color with a large, light tan head.
The nose on this beer seemed on the lighter side for me. I picked up a little toffee, a little yeast and apple. The vanilla from the oak is also there, but subtle. Perhaps the beer was too chilled for the nose to fully develop. Still, from what I was able to get from it, the beer smells impressive.
Sam Smith’s Imperial Stout has always been my favorite brew from the company, but after enjoying this one, I think I might have to revisit that distinction. Yorkshire Stingo is a very smooth, rich and malty beer. There is more of a woody presence from the barrel aging along with light fruits, caramel and a nice vanilla character. At 8% ABV it’s not only the second strongest beer from the brewery, but it’s also nicely integrated into the mix warming in the finish and balanced.
I could drink Yorkshire Stingo all day long. It’s super tasty, well balanced and quite drinkable for the higher alcohol content. Perhaps I’m a bit biased for being a fan of the brewery, but this was a wonderfully crafted and highly enjoyable brew. Now, I just need to see if I can find it again.
Rating: 4.5/5