Meantime London Porter
I’ve only ever had one other beer from Meantime Brewing and I thoroughly enjoyed that India Pale Ale. The brewery’s products just don’t show up too often at the shops I frequent, so when I saw this rather attractive bottle of London Porter, I had to have it. Brewed with a variety of seven malts, this 6.5% English porter is an easy drinking beer that carries a wonderful roast coffee flavor and a pretty decent hop presence (Fuggle for those interested).
Dark chestnut brown with a reddish edge, the beer sits in the glass with a dense, light tan head.
I love the light roast within the nose of this beer. There’s also light touch of chocolate and caramel.
This is a darn good porter. It’s got a great roast coffee character that is accompanied by a light sweetness, caramel and cocoa. The Fuggle hops and the roasted malt give the beer a dry finish with a moderate bit of bitterness that is a nice counter balance to the sweetness that is more present up front. There’s a touch of smoke in the mix as well, but it doesn’t really stick around on a consistent basis. A fairly carbonated mouthfeel pushes the flavors across the tongue.
I quite like this porter. A lot. It’s approachable and easy drinking with just a touch of roasted smokiness to bring enough complexity to the table, but not enough that it overwhelms the palate. I must find more of this.
Rating: 4.25/5