Oskar Blues G’Knight Imperial Red Ale

Here’s another Red Ale that, not unlike the Peak Organic King Crimson, uses a ton of hopes in it’s recipe. It’s also a beer that supports my theory that I stated in that review the more hops that are thrown at a style I’m not particularly fond of, the more likely I am to really enjoy it.
G’Knight is a big beer, weighing in at 8.7% ABV and 60 IBU and is charged with piny, sticky hops. It’s definitely one of the hoppier Red Ales I’ve tried out and packs a punch with the higher alcohol content which, as the beer warms, tends to get in the way some. Other than that, the four pack that I purchased didn’t last long.
Rich amber in color with a small, light tan head that held it’s form well throughout the life of the beer.
Sweet, toasted malt and a tone of piny, citrusy hops fill the nose.
The first thing that hits is the malt sweetness along with a toasted bread presence before a wave of sticky, piny, citrus hops floods the palate. There’s a late hop bitterness that shows up to hep cut through and balance out the sweetness. I love the large pine character to this beer. The higher alcohol presence certainly makes itself known with a burst of glowing warmth in the chest with each swallow.
I don’t think I’ll ever truly be a fan of red ales, but trying beers like this one here and there is sure to slowly put a dent in my defenses. It’s a hoppy brew with loads of piny character. I’m sure I’ll probably pick some of this one up again in the future.
Rating: 3.75/5