Too Many Beer Glasses?
So, I’m a sucker for beer glassware. I don’t go out of my way to hunt down a rare or specific piece, but if I happen to see something from a brewery that I don’t own, more than likely it’s coming home. As was the case with a couple of Laughing Dog branded shaker pint glasses that hitched a ride with me after picking up a couple of tasty treats and that’s after just recently having “stolen” a few glasses from the Fredericksburg Capital Alehouse during one of their weekly “Steal the Glass” nights.
At any rate, upon seeing said new glasses, the wife simply asked, “Really?” Which brings me to the point of this quick post. At what point, is too many glasses really too many glasses?

I suppose all you really need is one or two (for sharing) pieces in any given style to accommodate the variety of beer styles and how they should best be enjoyed tulip for Belgian Tripels, etc… But I have more. Hell, some glasses haven’t felt the cool sensation of a beer along their walls in years. I’m sure that there are those of you that have plenty more pieces of glassware than myself, but I figured I’d share what I have and see what interesting pieces or how many pints you all my own, as well.

When all is said and done, I have roughly 64 individual vessels for enjoying a tasty brew. That can be further broken down to: 20 shaker pints, 2 English tulip pints, 12 mugs of varying size and 13 Belgian tulips/chalices of various shape and branding. The remaining number of glasses is a menagerie of Weissbier vases, tapered pilsners, and snifters. Not included in the overall count are a handful of tasting glasses from beery events and the bourbon/whiskey glasses seen in the photo above.
Again, I know my collection might seem obscene to a couple of you and really paltry to many more, but I figured I’d share anyways. Now I just have to wait until after work to get one of them dirty.