Brasserie Dupot Posca Rustica

Brasserie Dupont’s flagship beer, Saison Dupont, is hands-down one of my all time favorite brews. I can think of nothing better than sitting out in the sun with a cool glass of that refreshing saison. The company also makes an excellent holiday brew, Avec Les Bons Voeux, that is simply out of this world. So how would this Scottish Gruit (or herbed/spiced beer) stack up to a couple of my favorite beverages?
Pretty favorably, actually. Leading with a tell-tale saison funk, Posca Rustica delivers a refreshing flavor that has an appropriate amount of herbal and spice notes, never delivering an over-the-top spiced character. It’s smooth drinking for an 8% ABV beer and would make for a perfect compliment to the brewery’s saison.
This Belgian Ale pours a slightly hazy, straw color with a sizable and dense white head.
Posca Rustica has quite the floral nose with herbal notes, spices, honey, lemon zest, a light funk and a hint of grassy hops. It’s got an aroma similar to a saison.
The flavors just about mirror the aroma to a tee. A saison-like base arrives first with a moderate barnyard character while earthy herbal and spice notes join in as wonderful compliments to the light funkiness. A subtle sweetness does it’s part to balance out the herbs/spices and lingers nicely in the refreshing finish. The alcohol content doesn’t particularly impact the flavor, but does warm the palate a touch. This medium bodies beer has a light and crisp carbonation that only adds to its refreshing nature.
This was the third of four samples sent my way by Vanberg & DeWulf and so far my favorite of the bunch. Brasserie Dupont has another killer beer for their already amazing portfolio. If this brew becomes more available in my region, you know it’s going to be sitting next to a couple of the brewery’s saisons come Summer time.
Rating: 4.5/5
This is a review of a promotional sample received from the beer’s importer.