Jun 19, 2012

Uncommon Brewers Siamese Twin Ale

This 8.5% ABV Belgian Dubbel (in a can no less) from Uncommon Brewers was purchased along with their unique take on a Baltic porter. And much like the brewery’s effort to make that porter unique, this rich brew also has a twist. This particular Dubbel was brewed with a variety of Thai spices, coriander and Kaffir lime. The end result is a beer that surely is unique, but also one that confused my taste buds just a bit too much.


Siamese Twin pours a muddy brown with a light tan head.


Belgian yeast, lime rind, dark fruits and a healthy dose of herbal spices arise from the surface of the beer.


Right off the bat you get a solid bit of booziness and dark fruits as the Kaffir lime comes in. As the beer progresses, herbal notes as the blend of Thai spices begin to dominate the palate as a decent sweetness arrives in the lingering finish. The beer has a rather tea-like character as a result.


The blend of flavors is one that I’m not so sure works for this style. I’ve had Thai basil in a lighter style brew (most notably The Bruery’s Trade Winds) and I think it was quite successful in that instance, but here it’s a bit muddled and conflicts with the dark fruit character of the Dubbel. It’s an interesting beer that I’m happy that I was able to try, but not sure that I would go out of my way to buy more of it.


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