Flying Dog The Truth Imperial IPA
The arrival of Flying Dog Brewing’s The Truth Imperial IPA is the result of a rather simple observation. They didn’t have a year-round big IPA in their portfolio and are thusly doing what they need to in order “… to increase our [their] market share.” Not only is that a smart business move, but simply stating it as such a business move and not some sort of super limited release that the brewery would then turn into a year-round product based on overwhelming market demand is quite refreshing.
Of course, it doesn’t hurt that several super limited release brews helps craft this 8.7% ABV and 120 IBU hoppy monster. Flying Dog has crafted some of the tastiest, single hop IPAs (here, here, here and here) that I’ve had in a long while. The company is leveraging their experience with those releases and used that knowledge to create The Turth Imperial IPA, a wonderfully hoppy beer (it uses a blend of Warrior, Summit, CTZ, Citra and Amarillo varieties) that not only packs a solid amount of citrusy fruit and bitterness, but is also one of the more balanced and drinkable double IPAs that I’ve had in recent memory.
The Truth Imperial IPA pours crystal clear and bright golden amber in color with an off-white crown of foam that left behind decent lacing as it dropped.

Luscious, resinous pine fills the nose immediately in the forefront as orange and grapefruit shore up the back end. It doesn’t smell overtly “hoppy” but clean and surprisingly restrained.
Oh man. Juicy citrus fruits persist through the initial blast of bitterness with hints of grapefruit and orange lingering. A resinous pine character takes over as the fruits fade smoothly toward the drying and long lasting finish. The beer definitely has a load of hop character but isn’t overbearing in that regard. A decent bit of malt in the background is there to help tame the hop profile just enough to balance everything out. For an imperial IPA, The Truth has a good bit of warmth late in the finish but certainly isn’t hot or too sweet as some of its contemporaries can come across.
This is a big, hoppy beer that is still smooth drinking. Flying Dog have certainly learned a few things through their single hop series and put those learnings to good use in crafting The Truth Imperial IPA. This is one hell of a full-flavored and tasty brew.
Rating: 4.25/5
This is a review of a promotional sample from the brewery.