Ommegang Scythe and Sickle
Brewery Ommegang is the one brewery that instantly comes to mind when I think of American-made Belgian ales. The company has always focused on making the best product they can all the while doing their best to maintain a solid focus on tradition and quality ingredients. Their new Fall seasonal Scythe and Sickle is a 5.8% ABV Bière de Garde.
It’s a beer that carries with it a well balanced blend of harvest grains (barley, oats, wheat, and rye) that makes for a beer perfectly suited for the cooling months of Autumn. It may not be my favorite from the company, but it’s one that I would gladly pick up again next year as it’s earthy, refreshing character makes for a smooth drinking brew.
Scythe and Sickle pours a copperish brown in color with a frothy, with stack of foam.
A wonderful blend of malt and rye dominate with a touch of wheat. There beer has an earthy character to it with hints of caramel, a light funk and spicy hopes.
You can definitely pick up the spicy rye within this beer. It and a solid wheat profile arrive immediately with caramel, toasted bread and grains before fading smoothly through a fairly active mouthfeel to a moderate latent hop bite that lingers in the finish. Also within the lasting finish is a hint of funk that hangs around nicely. This is a very refreshing beer.
This may not be the brewery’s best product, but dammit if it’s not one of the more seasonally appropriate brews I’ve had recently. The blend of malt, rye, barley and wheat make for a great flavor that is nicely balanced with just the right amount of hop character. I will be buying more of this next Fall.
Rating: 3.75/5