Oct 1, 2014

Gordon Biersch Festbier

When I first received the package from Gordon Biersch and glanced over the offerings, I knew immediately that I’d be saving their Festbier and Marzen for the last two reviews. Well, I knew that by the time I got to them, the weather would be cooling off and they would be more seasonally appropriate. The timing worked out well.

This bottle of Festbier, a 5.6% ABV Oktoberfest, was cracked open on a relatively cool September afternoon. It’s malt backbone was perfect for the day and served to prepare the palate for the many Autumn seasonals that are bound to fill my fridge. Festbier, however, also holds onto Summer by presenting a light zing of hop bitterness that balances out the brew nicely.

Gordon Biersch Festbier photo


A dense cap of off-white foam sits atop the clear, amber brew.


Biscuity malt, caramel, grain, a soft fruitiness and hint of grassy hops fill the nose smoothly.


This is a clean and tasty brew. A solid malt and caramel backbone leads the way for a late forming hop presences that balances everything out well. A light sweetness and moderate bitterness play off of one another before fading smoothly into a linger finish. The medium bodied brew goes down nicely.


Festbier is the type of brew that I love to drink during the Fall. It (and others like it) serve as a great transition between the hopped-up IPAs of Summer and the rich, heavier porters and stouts of Winter. This particular beer is well balanced and carries an excellent flavor.

Rating: 3.75/5

This is a review of a promotional sample.

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