Gordon Biersch WinterBock Doppelbock
It was cold this past weekend. Damn cold. And standing along the sidelines cheering on the kid in her first ever soccer tournament dressed in multiple layers to stave off the early morning cold can make a man think. A nice, malty brew would make this two-game stretch that much more bearable. Perhaps one of the samples of WinterBock from Gordon Biersch that arrived earlier in the week.
Alas, it would be a few hours later that we finally had time to thaw out. While the kid rested for the next day, video game controller in hands, the wife and I settled down for a drink. WinterBock is a 7.5% ABV doppelbock that delivers a well-rounded, earthy malt profile and, despite it’s higher alcohol content, a deceptive drinkability.
The brew pours a ruddy chestnut in color with a slowly dropping stack of rocky, beige foam.

Roast malt, distant dark fruits, light coffee, subtle toffee notes and caramel swell together smoothly.
The combination of Munich malt, pilsner malt, dark roasted caramel malt, and black malt certainly give WinterBock a malt-forward presence on the tongue. It’s got a wonderfully earthy backbone with caramel, a light roast, grain and hint of coffee lingering. A moderate level of sweetness is carried by a lighter-than-expected body. The brew is surprisingly easy to drink despite the elevated alcohol content and has a lingering, lasting finish with a twinge of hop bitterness.
It’s not quite as full-bodied as some of my favorite doppelbocks, but what WinterBock lacks in stoutness, it certain does go down smooth. The earthy, malt backbone is ideal for the cold weather in which it’s meant to be enjoyed and it’s lighter body makes for a more refreshing, less cloying experience than most. That said, I’d still want it a bit fuller.
Rating: 3.75/5
This is a review of a promotional sample.