Squatters Wee Peat Scottish Ale
Along with newly redesigned packaging, Squatters also released two new brews this year. The first was Bumper Crop Honey Ale, a tasty treat of a brew. The second is Wee Peat, a 5.6% ABV and 27 IBU Scottish ale.
While the overall lighter character of Bumper Crop is more suited for warmer months, Wee Peat Scottish Ale is more appropriate for mid-Fall or perhaps early Spring. The beer has a clean combination of soft smoke, smooth peaty malt and hints of caramel. Add to that a relatively light body, as well as a smooth nature, and you’ve got yourself a good brew to enjoy after raking a few piles of leaves.
Wee Peat pours a rusty copper in color with a large, dense cap of beige foam.
Caramel, bready malt, light peatiness and a soft smokey char fill the nose.
The flavors are right along with the nose, but with a touch more peaty malt and a moderate sweetness. The beer is quite smooth with a slightly dry, lingering finish. It’s a bit on the light side for the style, but that only makes it go down that much easier.
All in all, Wee Peat is a pretty tasty little brew. It’s not as robust as some examples of the style, but its smoothness makes for a beer that is easy drinking. I think I personally prefer their hoppier, more Summer time appropriate brews, but I wouldn’t turn down a bottle of this on a chilly Autumn evening.
Rating: 3.5/5
This is a review of a promotional sample.