Sep 24, 2009

Leinenkugel’s Oktoberfest

I actually got a couple of samples of this seasonal from Leinenkugel last week, but have been too swamped to post a review, so here we go.

I’ve been drinking Oktoberfest brews like they’re going out of style the past couple of weeks. From this sample to Avery’s The Kaiser to many favorites that I’ve had several times before, it’s been a great period for tasty, malty beverages. How does Leinenkugel’s offering stack up against my go to Oktoberfests?

Leinenkugel's Oktoberfest


This one pours a light amber in color with a small off-white head. It’s definitely one of the lighter colored beers of this style that I’ve had.


Malty with a light touch of caramel. There’s also a bit of a grassy nature to the aroma, but it’s subtle.


This is certainly the lightest Oktoberfest I’ve ever had. It’s very crisp on the tongue with a light body and somewhat refreshing nature. It’s got the standard malt presences and mild sweetness, but I’m not sure it’s what I would expect from marzen. I personally want something a little more rich and full bodies.


This wasn’t a bad brew, but as far as Oktoberfest beers go, it really doesn’t stack up that well with my favorites. On the whole, it’s light body and subtle mix of flavors does leave you refreshed. I could see myself enjoying a few of these on a warm summer day.

Rating: 3/5

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