Dec 2, 2009

North Coast Pranqster

North Coast Pranqster

On the same beer run that I snagged the Le Merle I reviewed the other day, I also grabbed a bottle of North Coast’s Pranqster. This Belgian golden ale is another brew that I’ve always had on my watch list. I love Belgian beers and am always excited to see how our craft brewers interpret the style.


Since my Duvel tulip was dirty at the time, this one was poured in a more open Chimay goblet. It pours a beautiful pale amber with a relatively sparse head — that’s my fault for not being patient enough for the glass to fully dry. There was decent bubble activity within the glass.


Pranqster smells light, crisp and clean with fruity apples and pears in the mix. The tell-tale Belgian yeast is there in a more earthy tone.


I was definitely surprised and pleased with this beer. It’s crisp and clean with everything you could want in a golden ale. The lingering fruitiness in the finish is delivered at just the right levels while the yeasty nature of the beer is relatively tame. There is also a nice bit of spice in the mix, but I was unable to fully discern which one(s).


Pranqster is a great example of what our domestic craft brewers can do with a more popular style. North Coast kept the beer true to form with its traditional take on this light and tasty brew.

Rating: 4/5

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