De Dolle Bos Keun
I picked up this bottle of De Dolle’s “special Easter beer” a couple of weeks ago after helping my in-laws set up a wireless network in their house. Lucky for me, the set up only took a few minutes a mere fraction of the time I spent in the cellar of Kybecca perusing the beer selection.
I’m a sucker for anything that this Belgian brewer produces. Their Still Nacht (a 12% ABV Christmas beer) is one of my all time favorites and their Export Stout isn’t half bad either. So seeing this bottle of Bos Keun on the shelf was a nobrainer.
There’s not a great deal of information on the beer. From what I can find, it’s brewed with pale malt, Goldings hops and cane sugar. It’s a bottle conditioned brew that, in combination with the higher alcohol level, should age fairly well. I just couldn’t wait that long, opening the bottle this past weekend.
De Dolle’s Bos Keun pours a hazy, orangish amber in color with a pretty impressive white head. The yeast sediment in the bottle contributed to the cloudy pour as did a slight chill haze.
This brew smells amazing. It’s got an overall light and delicate nose with hints of fruit, a welcome yeastiness and subtle herbal notes. It also carries with it a nice sweetness.
The flavors on this beer are wonderful. It’s not an overly complex brew, but there’s still plenty going on as you’re initially greeted with a with light citrusy hops, yeasty esters and fairly crisp mouthfeel. The beer transitions to a slightly dry finish that lingers nicely with a more pronounced, yet moderate hop bite and warming alcohol glow.
This is a fantastic brew. It’s a well balanced, easy-to-drink beer that will leave you warm inside and, as my buddy Bob would say, groovy. Man, I wish I had more of this one to squirrel away for a while.
Rating: 4.5/5