Jan 4, 2011

Appalachian Brewing Hoppy Trails IPA

Appalachian Brewing Logo

During the last week of December 2010, I mentioned that I had picked up a couple of bottles from this Pennsylvania brewery. I enjoyed their Moutain Lager, but it’s this IPA that I found to be a bit tastier.

This 6.2% ABV is described by the brewer has having an increased maltiness “… to help balance the aggressive hop usage.” Well, they got the aggressive hop part of that line down for sure, but there’s not that much of a malt presence to temper what is ultimately a surprisingly bitter, biting IPA. Of course, depending on what mood you’re in, that bitterness could be a welcome punch in the palate — I personally enjoyed it, but would have liked a bit more overall balance.


Hoppy Trails pours a light gold in color with a rocky, white head that held its form well.


There’s a good amount of floral hops right off the bat when opening this beer with elements of pine resin, grapefruit and orange. There’s a nice earthy character to the brew, as well as a light biscuity malt presence.


For as citrusy and floral as the nose was, those hop characteristics don’t fully make the jump to the palate. There’s an initial orange presence, but then it’s big time hop bitterness that will leave a pucker. The crisp mouthfeel just accentuates the bite even more. There’s a touch of bready malts in the mix, but not nearly enough to balance out the the amount of hops in this brew.


If you’re in the mood for a hoppy and fairly bitter IPA, then this one is for you. The bitterness surprised me, but it’s far from the most bitter brew I’ve ever had (or the best IPA for that matter). The hop levels are strong, yes, but if your a big fan of hops, this brew will probably be right up your alley and for the price, it’s a pretty darn good bargain. Those of you looking for something a bit more refined or subtle may want to look elsewhere in the IPA world.

Rating: 3.5/5

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