Sep 27, 2011

Schlafly Pumpkin Ale

Schlafly Pumpkin Ale photoA great beer for a cool Fall afternoon

Uh oh. Watch out Post Road. You’ve long been a favorite example of a pumpkin ale, but there’s a new (and serious) contender to that top spot.

I’ve only had a handful of Schlafly beers over the past couple of years, but so far the brewery’s Pumpkin Ale has been my favorite — this coming from a guy who’s had their Reserve Imperial Stout and oak aged barleywine. The combination of earthy pumpkin and subtle use of spices really makes for an enjoyable drinking experience.


The brew pours a brilliant, orangish amber in color with a slowly dropping, tawny head.


Wow. This one smells like freshly baked pumpkin bread sitting on the counter to cool. Earthy pumpkin, bready malts and spices come together for an inviting aroma.


Just like the nose, the flavors of this brew remind me instantly of pumpkin bread. A solid malt base with just the right amount of sweetness forms the base for an excellent pumpkin character and light use of spices. There’s a subtle hit of hop bitterness toward the lingering finish and at 8% ABV, the alcohol is hidden well.


Most often than not, when trying out a new pumpkin ale, I tend to find the brewery has attempted to make a liquid version of pumpkin pie. Schlafly, however, have not succumbed to this trend. The malt base, as well as the just-right levels of pumpkin and spices, really makes for an excellent brew. I could drink a good amount of this over the next couple of months.

Rating: 4.25/5

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