Great Lakes Brewing Rye of the Tiger IPA
If there’s one stylistic off-shoot of the IPA that I really love it’s the one that incorporates rye into the recipe. You can keep your Black/Cascadian/Whatever IPA, thank you very much. From Bear Republic’s Hop Rod Rye to this newly found gem of a beer in Great Lakes Brewing Rye of the Tiger IPA, this hybrid of the hoppy genre is cool by me.
This particular brew weighs in at a hefty 7.5% ABV teetering on imperial or double territory and is made with a blend of Columbus, Warrior and Simcoe hop varieties. Rye of the Tiger isn’t as citrusy/fruity as some of its peers, but the earthy quality it brings to the table makes for one hell of a beer. The addition of the rye gives an already potent hop combination that much extra earthiness and spiciness to drive your taste buds to, well, drink.
A resilient crown of off-white foam rests atop the golden amber brew. It certainly looks tasty.
The nose carries a much fruitier character than the flavor as grapefruit, tangerine and pineapple accompany a load of piny resin and a solid helping of spicy rye in the background.
I love the earthy hop character this beer brings to the table. The fruits within the aroma are here, but only as back-up singers to the pine and leafy nature of the flower. It’s complimented with a malty blend of grains, light toasted bread and spicy rye. The crisp mouthfeel refreshes as a light sweetness lingers gently before fading within the drying finish.
Rye of the Tiger has an excellent balance between the hop blend and malt/grains. The brew isn’t nearly as citrusy as some, but, man, do I love that leafy, grassy, earthy character that it does have. It looks like I’ll be adding another beer to the list of Rye IPAs that I will thoroughly enjoy over the warmer months.
Rating: 4/5