Flying Dog Brewhouse Rarities Agave Cerveza
Maryland’s Flying Dog Brewery has created some interesting products for their Brewhouse Rarities series of beers Mint Chocolate Stout, Green Tea Imperial Stout, and St. Eadman to name a couple. Aside from their near-sessionable Easy IPA (which just made it to year-round status), all of the beers in the line have been unique and usually a little off-kilter in their origin. That is, until Agave Cerveza, a relatively simple Pale Ale that weighs in at a sessionable 4.3% ABV.

To say that Agave Cerveza is simple is sort of incorrect. It’s just not as bold or as abstract as many of the brews the company has released under the Rarities umbrella.
It’s a beer that brings in flaked maize, lime peel and agave nectar to create an easy drinking, refreshing beer that is more than ideal for any grilling or outdoor occasion. And one that I can see fully enjoying all Summer long.
Agave Cerveza pours pale yellow in color with a large column of white foam that drops slowly, resulting in a full ring around the surface.
Grain, crackery malt, the agave nectar (sort of melon/cucumber like), a hint of corn and a touch lime zest fill the nose smoothly.

Agave Cerveza is quite smoothly flavored and crisply carbonated. Corn, bread and grains accompany an earthy agave/melon notes as lime peel lingers late in the drying finish. It’s a refreshing beer that is darn near chuggable. A soft bit of hop bitterness teases lightly.
Breckenridge’s Agave Wheat was the first time that I encountered the adjunct in beer. The second time sees the ingredient presented in a different, and dare I say, more complimentary fashion. Perhaps it’s the base beer used or maybe it’s that flaked maize that makes Flying Dog’s offering that much better. Regardless, Agave Cerveza is one darn tasty little brew that I would love to accompany some grilled the fajitas this Summer.
Rating: 3.75/5
This is a review of a promotional sample.