Firestone Walker Inferos
I picked up this can of Firestone Walker Inferos (8.2% ABV) about five months after its packaging date. As such, the hop presence that the brewery touts as “hellacious in hoppiness” may not have been at its peak. That said, the somewhat diminished hellaciousness works in the peppery rye’s favor nicely, allowing the grain to shine throughout the experience.
With a quarter of the malt bill occupied by rye and four pounds of hops per barrel, this imperial IPA certainly packs a punch. The rye dominates while a decent hop bitterness amplifies the peppery bite while bready malt and caramel linger in the background. Soft pine and a touch of grapefruit present themselves lightly while an earthy quality persists throughout. The big beer finishes lightly warming with a gentle dryness.
I enjoyed Inferos a good bit despite the drop-off in hoppiness. The imperial rye IPA still presented a solid flavor and I absolutely loved the earthy, peppery rye presence — it dominated without becoming overbearing in the long run. I believe that I’ll have to keep an eye out for a more fresh can so that I can compare it with this review.