Dec 8, 2008

Signature Ale – Brewmaster’s Collaboration with Tomme Arthur

The Wegmen’s in our area finally opened up a couple of weeks ago and after letting the initial hysteria die down a bit I took a quick run through their beer section. I found plenty of standard beers I’d had before and a bunch of new stuff that only made my mouth water.

Since I was in a bit of a hurry and they didn’t allow for mixed six packs, I quickly grabbed a set of Bell’s Winter White and a 750 of Signature Ale — a collaboration with Port Brewing’s Tomme Arthur. I didn’t know much about the beer, but I was familiar with Port Brewing and grabbed one. Had the price been lower — much, much lower — I would have gotten a second bottle.

Beer Label: Signature Ale


Signature Ale poured a bright gold in color with plenty of bubble activity within the glass. The head was thick and very inviting.


Billed as a “…complex hybrid of aggressively hopped west coast IPA, combined with traditional Belgian brettanomyces fermentation…” this beer has every aspect you would expect from its description. It smells light and fruity with a healthy does of hops and yeast creating a wonderful aroma. At 8.5% ABV it wasn’t too boozy either.


Man, this one is tasty. It’s got the fruitiness from the aroma (subtle banana, pear) as well as a complex mix of spices that really compliment the sweeter side of the beer. The hops aren’t as pronounced as I would have expected, but do make an appearance in a well rounded, balanced way. It wasn’t as crisp as I had expected and left a sweet syrupy feel in the mouth with a slightly sour finish.


I’m absolutely kicking myself that I didn’t drop some more money for a second bottle or that I haven’t been back to see if they have any left. Signature Ale is a wonderful example of a Belgian Strong Ale and only proves what good things can come from a collaboration of this sort. If you can find it, buy it.

Rating: 4.5/5

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