Lagunitas Wilco Tango Foxtrot

I’m a bit behind on some of my reviews, but a work buddy of mine recommended this latest seasonal from Lagunitas Brewing a little while back. It wasn’t until a couple of weeks ago that I was able to find a bottle of this cross between an American Strong Ale and Imperial Brown Ale. These notes may be weeks old, but the beer is still fresh in my mind.
Described as a “A Malty, Robust, Jobless Recovery Ale,” Wilco Tango Foxtrot (WTF, if you will) is just that malty, robust and with a good hit of hops. Weighing in at 7.83% ABV, it’s not quite as strong as some American Strong Ales out there, but it will treat you right.
WTF pours a deep copper in color with a good sized, light khaki cap.
Lots of rich malts with a wonderful overlying citrus/pine hope presence dominate the nose on this one. It smells like there might be a touch of brown sugar in there adding to the malt sweetness. I only’t pick up a bit of an alcohol presence as the beer had some time to warm in the glass.
Wow. This is one of the more unique American Strong Ales I’ve had. It wasn’t nearly as sweet as I expected as the initial wave of roasted malt comes across the tongue with an earthy character. The hops don’t really make much of an appearance until late in the finish and even then it’s only a hint of astringent bitterness. The alcohol makes more of a presence as this medium to full bodied beer warms, but it’s far from hot.
Despite the 7+% ABV, WTF is deceptively drinkable. The robust nature of an Imperial Brown Ale delivers rich, earthy malts while a decent helping of citrusy hops help balance out a well crafted brew. The excellent mouthfeel is what really makes this beer a joy to drink. I will most certainly be trying to find more of it.
Rating: 3.5/5