Jun 10, 2010

Ommegange Chocolate Indulgence Stout

Ommegange Chocolate Indulgence Stout

The wife and I celebrated our 11th anniversary a couple of weekends ago and I wanted to find a brew with which to commemorate the occasion that we both had never had before and something I thought we both would enjoy. As fate would have it, I happened along a bottle of Ommegang’s Chocolate Indulgence just the day before we were to drop off the kid at the grandparents and make our escape for a quiet evening out.

I knew we’d be going out to dinner and all that good stuff so I figured this Belgian inspired stout (brewed with imported Belgian chocolate) would serve as the perfect post-meal dessert brew. We both enjoyed it, but both also agreed that we wouldn’t call it an indulgence.


The stout pours a dark, dark brown (almost black) in color with a thin ring of lacing around the edge of the glass.


It smells darn good with a good deal of rich chocolates, espresso and a familiar Belgian yeast presence.


This is where the “indulgence” part of the beer should really hit you, but it doesn’t. Sure the beer has a decent espresso, roast, and chocolate profile, but I was expecting something much fuller and much richer. The chocolates take a bit of a backseat to the roasted malt, which I don’t mind, but the name of the brew is a bit misleading as a result. The mouthfeel was certainly on the lighter side with a pleasant bitter coffee character to the finish.


I had been looking for a bottle of this for quite some time and was truly happy to finally have found one, and for such a special occasion, as well. The Belgian presence in Chocolate Indulgence was noticeable and blended nicely with the roasted malt, but, I just wish it had been a little more decadent and fuller — something along the lines of Souther Tier’s Mokah perhaps. All in all, it’s a tasty brew that I’m sure I will probably buy again.

Rating: 3.5/5

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