White Birch Brewing Belgian Pale Ale
I love a good Belgian Pale Ale. In fact, Brewery Ommegang’s own version of the style, their BPA, is not only my favorite of the style, but also probably one of my favorite brews, period. The only problem is that the beer doesn’t make too many appearances on shelves in my area so I don’t get to enjoy it all that often. This Belgian Pale Ale from New Hampshire’s White Birch Brewing, however, has been in stock at Total Wine on just about every one of my last five visits. This is a good thing, because this 6.7% ABV beer is excellent.
Well balanced and easy drinking, White Birch have themselves a full package with this beer. Noble hops, estery yeast and a clean palate make for a beer that is more than appropriate for any time of year hence why my fridge is currently stocked with 22oz bottles of the stuff.
A large rocky head rests atop the slightly hazy, light amber brew.
The balanced nose is full of grass, spicy hops, honey, light grains, light citrus (oranges) and a solid helping of Belgian yeast.
What I really like about this beer is it’s earthy hop character. It’s nicely hopped, but not in the typical palate wrecking fashion we see in some Belgian Pales or Belgian IPAs. It’s just enough to bring herbal notes, a touch of pine and citrus to the forefront while the Belgian yeast rests comfortably in the background. A light, grainy malt presence rounds out the beer nicely as it transitions to a slightly drying finish that carries a hint of alcohol.
I really like this beer. It’s refreshing, drinkable and brings a nicely balanced flavor to the table. It’s not extreme in any fashion and doesn’t push the envelope in any single direction either. It’s approachable and smooth. And a beer that I hope sticks around in my area for a while I plan on having it in stock at the house for as long as possible.
Rating: 4/5