Big Boss Hell’s Belle
This bottle of Big Boss Brewing’s Hell’s Belle is the second to last of a mixed six-pack that I received from a neighbor as thanks a few weeks back. Billed as a Belgian pale ale, this 7% ABV brew carries some strong witbier-like characteristics. The brew is made with the brewery’s favorite yeast strain as well as Belgian malts, but there are definite hints of wheat and banana in the mix or at least that’s what I’m picking up.
Regardless of how skewed my senses may have been at the time of this tasting, Hell’s Belle is still an easy drinking and refreshing brew. The elevated alcohol content does give it a bit of a boozy touch, but it’s nothing that will distract or overwhelm the palate.
The beer pours slightly hazy and golden straw in color with a tight cap of white foam.
Along with a peppery yeast character, there are hints of wheat, grain, grass, citrus and distant, soft banana.
Again, I’m getting more of a witbier trait here, albeit a boozy witbier. Grain, toasted bread, soft banana, spices, peppery yeast and light, citrusy fruits combine for a pretty tasty brew. It’s the most standard Belgian Pale Ale I’ve had, but it’s likable, if a little confusing in terms of the flavors presented.
Hell’s Belle is one of those beers that sort of comes across as several styles a notable trend in the past five years or so as breweries attempt to come up with the next big thing. Sure it may be a Belgian Pale Ale, but the flavors it brings to my palate echo witbier and even a little hefeweisen in there a bit. Excluding this particular sample, has any one else noticed an upward tick in unintentional style bleeding/blending like this?
Rating: 3.75/5